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It’s Dolly’s Metaverse. We just live there.
Dolly Parton is the latest celebrity in the world of non-fungible tokens (NFTs). If you need a review of exactly what an NFT is (face it, does anyone really know what an NFT is?). Forbes We describe them as “digital assets”[s] It represents real-world objects such as art, music, in-game items, and videos. The appeal of NFTs, sold online and often purchased through cryptocurrencies, comes from their implicit “digital shortage.” These files are also quite profitable, given that $ 16 billion has usually been spent on NFTs since June 2017.
Enter the dream berth.
Parton plans to invest in a digital venture through a partnership with best-selling thriller novelist James Patterson (Snoop Dogg and Martha Stewart, or Pete Davidson and a duo who feels even more random than Kim Kardashian). I am.
They are working with Fox Entertainment’s Blockchain Creative Labs to release a limited edition NFT for Parton’s next album. Run, rose, run, This includes a free livestreaming performance of the South by Southwest Festival in Texas this month. This album works in tandem with the novel of the same name, co-authored by Parton and Patterson.
According to The Street Crypto, Parton describes Dollyverse: “Most of the time I’m trying something new and different.” “Release NFT when James Patterson is by your side and first appears on SXSW definitely counts as new and different!”
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Other celebrities who have launched their own NFTs include Lindsay Lohan, Grimes, Justin Bieber and Paris Hilton.
Hollywood’s most striking red carpet looks are spending more time at NFT. For example, Gwyneth Paltrow’s iconic pink silk dress, designed by Audrey Silt when he won the 1999 Academy Award for Best Actress, is becoming an NFT in partnership with the Collaboration Bears.
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