Deutsche Welle:
Ukrainian War gives new momentum to Germany’s fight against right-wing extremism
German authorities are working together to adopt an action plan for right-wing extremism. The war in Ukraine has urged intelligence agencies to be more vigilant.
Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine by President Vladimir Putin has been a hot topic for German far-right militants. On the chat channel German neo-Nazis flock to Ukraine to fight.
“But don’t overestimate this,” said President Thomas Haldenwan, the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution (BfV)’s national intelligence agency. Young men used social media channels that vowed to participate in the fighting in Ukraine, but Haldenwang described them simply engaging in “big-mouth bragging” (“Maulheldentum”).
Domestic intelligence has identified right-wing extremists who may be intended to be armed in Ukraine. Authorities are trying to prevent them from leaving the country by revoking their passports.
James Hohmann / WaPo:
Biden has the right to pass through Zelensky’s no-fly zone
President Biden’s greatest skill is to show empathy, but the current crisis has proved that he also has the ability to be crazy. We also need to look clearly at where our interests are in line with the interests of Ukraine, but branch off from it. We are at risk and climb the escalation ladder. That is why Biden’s reaction to Zelensky was so wise. Most of what we can realistically do is give David more slingshot.
Financial Times:
Britons are less cautious about Covid than at any point during the pandemic
Relief is brought about as government advisers are becoming more and more concerned about the increase in infections and hospitalizations from the Omicron BA.2 sect.
According to experts, the backflow to normal behavior, coupled with the rise of the more infectious sect of Omicron BA.2, has caused Covid to make a spring comeback across Britain. Highlights More than half of British people do not regularly avoid crowded spaces. For the first time during a pandemic, it was announced late Tuesday, according to the latest polls conducted by YouGov and Imperial College London. While Omicron wave height is 63%, only 31% of those surveyed still avoid indoor mixing with other households, but currently only 12% are usually working remotely. am. Testing, and overall prudence is. .. .. Nick Davis, an epidemiological modeler at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said: .. He said the way the relaxation timeline “matched” the spread of BA.2 was driving the surge.
Eric Topol / Guardian:
Once again, America denies signs of fresh Covid waves
In early 2020, a large outbreak occurred in Lombardy, Italy, rapidly and significantly surpassing hospital resources and medical staff. The Americans expressed their conviction that it would not happen here. Things that can’t happen here. And it did.
Fast forward two years of pandemic. Britain and Europe have provided the United States with five unmistakable warnings that a new surge is taking place. Within a few weeks, every time the United States experienced a new wave. Some were less serious (such as the Alpha variant) and some were even worse (Delta and Omicron variants). From this Covid’s track record over two years, it’s clear: What happened in Britain and Europe is not limited to Britain, Europe.
In the last few weeks, the UK and several European countries, including Germany, France and Switzerland, have experienced new waves. New cases are increasing in at least 12 countries geographically spread from Finland to Greece. In some countries, Austria has crossed the pandemic peak and Finland has increased by 85% from the previous week. Many of these countries have also shown increased hospitalizations.
This is the sixth warning from the United Kingdom and Europe to the United States.
Ed Young / Atlantic:
Coronavirus fund collapse is a disaster
All epidemics cause the same Sisyphus cycle of panic and neglect.Still, the cycle is not intended to rotate this quickly.
When I first wrote about the panic ignore cycle Five years ago, I thought it would work on a timescale of years, and that negligence After the crisis is over.. The coronavirus pandemic broke both assumptions. Before all the surges were over, experts erroneously predicted that the current wave would be the last, or claimed that lifesaving measures were not really needed.Over and over again, neglect began within just a few months, often Previous The panic part is over.U.S. Funds for Pandemic Countermeasures “Like the Snow in Minnesota” Michael Osterholm, an epidemiologist at the University of Minnesota, told me 2018. “There are many in January, but in July they all melt.”
Or it happens in March.
Major General (just retired!) Mick Ryan / Twitter:
Three weeks have passed since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began. The Battle of Kyiv is the focus of this thread. Warning-It is uncertain whether Russians can surround, attack, or capture Kyiv …
Russia has not achieved its major military goals in the north and east of the south. It has committed all the military power it had for Ukraine in these missions. As I said two days ago, the Russian campaign is about to culminate if it hasn’t happened yet.